Category Archives: Regulatory Change

Investors are paying close attention as the conversation around diversity and racial justice gains momentum

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become a major focus for both society and the business world in recent years. With the growing conversation around diversity and racial justice, investors are increasingly looking to support companies that are making a concerted effort to promote DEI in their operations and culture. The importance of DEI goes […]

How Investors are paying increasing attention to the labor standards and human rights practices of companies

Labor standards and human rights are increasingly becoming a focus for investors, as they seek to align their investments with their values and ensure that the companies they invest in operate responsibly. The attention paid to labor standards and human rights has been particularly intense in supply chain management and working conditions. Investors are recognizing […]

The Impact of ESG Investment on Environmental Justice

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing has become a mainstream trend over the past few years, as investors seek to align their values with their investments. The ESG movement has been motivated by the pressing need to address climate change, inequality, and corporate responsibility. However, ESG investing has faced criticism from some quarters for not […]